Another Proud Upload by ================================================== HOW TO INSTALL ? 0. Disable your Windows defender or Antivirus. (Otherwise it'll cause problem during installation) 1. Download the MS Office. 2. Run "OInstall.exe" and select which MS Office you want to install. 3. Click on "Install Office" 4. Give it sometime and it'll install. 5. Now, to activate the MS Office.. within OInstall, go to "Utilities" tab and click- "Office RETAIL >= VL" button 6. It'll take sometime... have patience. 7. Now click on "Activate Office" 7. Wait for sometime.. it'll do its magic to activate office. 8. Boom! Product Activated.. Enjoy now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can also use activation script to acivate the MS Office 1. Go to "Alternative Activator" and extract the zip file. 2. Run the activator as admin. 3. Use it to activate your MS Office. Note - The files are tested with Malwarebytes And for the setup you can check below Virus Total links - Setup - Hybrid- Setup - >>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<